Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pacific Heights

In this movie, the landlords are forced into a position where they can’t prove that their Tenant is not paying rent and have nothing to evict him immediately with and as the law says, there has to be a 30 day eviction notice, so that the tenant is notified. He is disturbing the other tenants as well as the landlords themselves and at he same time, the landlords can’t afford to pay the mortgage on their home, because of this troublesome tenant. The cops say it is illegal for a landlord to refuse the Tenant water and electricity, if he has moved into the property. I would tend to think that as a landlord, if your tenant is constantly giving you trouble, disturbing you and not paying his monthly rent, you have every right to evict them immediately, because, it doesn’t just affect the other tenants in the building with his disturbing and all, but it affects you with your bills you have to pay!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Facts of the Case

Thompson V. Oklahoma

At the age of 15, William Thompson brutally murdered his brother-in-law, who had been abusing his sister. According to Oklahoma law, Thompson was a minor and must be tried as one, thereby receiving a reduced sentence and other considerations. Due to the gravity of the crime, the prosecutor requested an order which would allow the boy to be tried as an adult. In order to do this, the prosecution had to demonstrate that the case had merit and that the chance for rehabilitation of the child within the juvenile system was slim.

3's about me

Three Names I have been called:
Tristram, South Africa, Safa
Three Jobs I have had in my life (include unpaid if you have to):
Deckhand, Backstage crew, Boat restoration
Three Places I Have Lived:
South Africa, Mauritius, USA
Three TV Shows that I watch:
Prison Break, The Mentalist, It’s always sunny in Philadelphia
Three places I have been:
Seychelles, England, France
People that e-mail me regularly:
Girlfriend, Dad, Cousin
Three of my favorite foods:
Chinese, Japanese, Italian
Three cars I have driven:
Mustang GT, Audi A4, Ford F150
Three things I am looking forward to:
Graduation, Vacation, Making money

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Greed........ good or bad?

I guess in a way Greed is a good thing, if you’re doing it in a respectful way and it’s not affecting other people. Then again on Wall Street it sounds like every businessmen is ripping someone off in some way or other! Using people and their money to better your own life, is just not a nice at all. Even when you’re not doing anything illegal, but you’re still using innocent citizens to make a better living, is saying something about yourself, they honestly don’t seem to give a shit about anyone else! So greed actually gets many people into all kinds of trouble when they don’t deserve it. In the movie “Wall Street”, Charlie Sheen gets screwed over by Michael Douglas and to see such a trusting and loyal person be taken for a ride like that is something quite inhuman. Greed for money is something which the world could do without, because it only creates problems and angry citizens.
If I was to make a Whack a Doll of someone, I would make it a George Bush Whack a doll, just because he’s got the funniest face and those big ears and he deserves to be a on an object like that, who wouldn’t want a Whack around doll of George Bush, its brilliant!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What my classmates think of the legal system????

I think the government in general has too much bearing on our lives as individuals, I think there are many issues in this country today in which it should be left up to the individual to decided whether its right or wrong (Jonathan Boyer)
I absolutely agree with Jonathan on this one, because so much time and money is wasted on stupid little incidences that really is not such a big deal. If the government spent more time concentrating on more serious things around the country then maybe they can achieve more to make the country a better place and become an idol to the other countries all over the world.

The system seems quite simple until you start to really read between the lines. (Jaqueline Hernandez)
This is so true as well because you don’t really realize how much nonsense and administration work there is until you actually study about it or get involved with the Law. I mean there are so many people with power that could simplify cases or situations with a simple flick of a thumb, but the authorities would rather make life hell for people in such minor cases.

The legal system we know however in practice is a completely different situation. The very system that our forefathers painstakingly put together using some of the world’s best examples of government as a guide, has been Swiss cheesed in order to allow some and not all as was intended to benefit. (Rocco M. Zappia)
I like the way Rocco thinks, because he is absolutely correct about how the law is not put into practice the way it is in theory and for the authorities to bend the law to suit themselves is (excuse my French) a little FUCKED UP!! It’s not fair on the public.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Used Cars crimes and torts

Tristan, Adrian, Angel, Jordan
Crime1 Assault with a deadly weapon
Crime 2 Illegal distribution of stolen goods
Crime 3 Bribery
Crime 4 Perjury
Crime 5 Solicitation of drugs
Tor t6 Vandalism
Crime 7 Battery
Crime 8 Speeding
Crime 9 Hit n run
Crime 10 Not yielding to a construction worker
Crime 11 Obstruction of justice
Tort 12 Contempttort 13 False accusation
Crime 14 Driving in a non designated area
Crime 15 No seatbelts
Crime 16 False advertising
Tort 17 Judge is incompetent to run court
tort 18 Destruction of property
tort 19 Illegal tampering with private property
Crime 20 Sexual harassment
Tort 21 Trespassing
Crime 22 Stopping on a freeway
Crime 23 Selling goods without a license
Crime 24 Not safely secured in the vehicles cab
Crime 25 not yielding for a cop
Crime 26 disorderly conduct in a courtroom
Crime 27 driving on the wrong side of the road
Crime 28 driving without insurance
Crime 29 False Documentation
Crime 30 Attempt at monopoly
Tort 31 Selling under a false pretense
tort 32 defamation of character
Crime 33 under aged driving
Crime 34 assault
Crime 35 illegal gambling
Tort 36 slander
Crime 37 trade libel
Crime 38 Holding a hostage
Tort 39 Negligence